God chooses to love us, for no reason of our own making, for no status or identity we have, seemingly randomly, for no reason. Except that we are made by Him, as we are ‘made’ by our parents; the love and affection of that ‘unchosen’ relationship, and in God’s case that He is responsible for the very idea of ourselves- for inventing in His mind our character. There is no choice of anyone except the lover: God chose our character, chose our quirks, and thus He made us. His Perfect Thought invented us.
So no man may boast; no one of us is greater than another; (we are worthy for the same reason, we are special, for we are God’s creatures) no more worthy of God’s love for any reason imaginable except that we are God’s creation, His humans, creatures.
We may not make God love us any more than He already does because the righteousness of Christ is the perfection by which we could even love, and it is placed on us, like a film, a lens, if a lens could instead be applied to the object seen.
One cannot be more accepted than we already are- there is no more deserving we can achieve. It is simply not there.
No one truly deserves particular, special love (in the sense of a higher degree of love than other people deserve). We merely are taken with someone, and allow ourselves subconsciously to love the object.
Affection happens without our choosing, accidentally. In a sense, we should not confuse our affection with the object’s deserving.
Because in love we were conceived (in God's passionate interest in thinking out, for His pleasure, a person like each of us), we cannot earn love from God. He came up with the complete and perfect understanding of us when He thought of us. He knew us completely, because He made that Complete Self in all its facets, in all its quirks. You can do nothing to deserve more love than that Idea deserved when He thought of it.
And He loves the idea of you. He loves to think about the characteristics of you. You are interesting to Him, you are beautiful to Him like a wonderfully harmonised symphony. Your parts move in coordination, in a complex dance together; the parts balance each other, the facets play together like beautiful lights shining through a stained glass. You can be no more glorious than He pictured you when He first conceived the idea of you: He knew all your glory right then and there. And He let it out to play in this world. He wants to see you bounce off of reality, bounce off of others, because He thinks you will add a lovely element, shade, flavour to all the interactions you have with things and people.