
Monday, August 13, 2018

So It Begins

So here I am, again, trying a go at a blog. This time, it is not a 'life blog', but an attempt to get ideas out of my head, and to allow others to know what's on my mind- what I'm working through.

Along with the obvious reasons for doing this, the blog is an exercise in learning to be wrong; to say things that might be proven wrong later, to say things that include mistakes, to learn not to take what I say so seriously. I have a need to be perfect, correct, and I have said so little of what I think because of that. I qualify statements a lot, and this is why. It's enough of a reason to get therapy.

With God's help, I mean to stand for objective truth, for objective standards, against all the ocean-like pressure to cave to the feelings and mores of the specific age I live in.

Please leave comments, if you feel like it. Please say what you really think- politely, of course. Ask questions, add thoughts that spring to mind.

(If you're looking for 100% accuracy in what I post here, perhaps you should search Google or read Wikipedia instead, for obvious reasons related to their infallibility.)

1 comment:

  1. "If you're looking for 100% Google or read Wikipedia" - ha ha ha....
